42.FOURTYTWO 42: Response to Conspiracy Theory



Photo credits: vulcanccit

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Response to Conspiracy Theory

I know it. Don't hide it any longer. Everyone is conspiring against me. Took 15 years to realise this; how dumb can I be?

Putting me through all the challenges, all the setbacks ... for what? To laugh at the embarassing moments?

I know everyone is in it - from my class to the websites to the entire world. It's a show. Hypocritical.

The websites - it's all flooded with evidence. From news like indices rising and falling to movie advertisements. It's all part of an elaborate plot to manipulate my emotions and control what I do. And all of you are in it. Every. Single. One.

All of you are really experts in acting. I applaud that. You should all just join some drama company instead of wasting your time on my show. So much so that you've all deceived me for 15 years.

The things in my life - it's all orchestrated. Cars of different colours go by as I sit in the bus to change my mood. Some detour and then come back again and again for repetition --- for boredom. I will wonder why they did that and ask someone I know beside me. That person would just shrug it off and change the subject. Why? Because he is part of the conspiracy. Everyone is.

But it's fake. Everything. Even the world map. I have no guarantee that it is true. For all I know, Earth might just as well be a flat, indefinite landscape where you never fall off the edge when you walk too far. You lied to me that the Earth is spherical. It is in fact not.

But don't stop this game. I know I can take it.

The above is in no way meant to represent my, or in fact, anyone's social life. Period. It is purely a satire on people who believe in a global conspiracy.


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